Rezzimax® Tuner PRO II

Rezzimax® Tuner PRO II


This low cost, low risk assistive technology is useful in the paediatric population with neurodevelopmental delays that impact upon fine and gross motor skills, emotional regulation, communication, attention, concentration and engagement with peers. It impacts upon motor and sensory skills by activating various areas of the brain responsible for these actions.

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The Rezzimax Tuners stimulate the vagus nerve, a key player in the body's pain response system. By doing so, they can help improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation, all of which can contribute to a significant reduction in pain levels.


This technology is useful in the paediatric population with neurodevelopmental challenges that impact upon sensory/ motor, proprioceptive functioning and integration of retained primitive reflexes. It has been shown to improve vagal tone and improvements in parasympathetic nervous system function by downregulating the overactive sympathetic system. It impacts upon motor and sensory skills by activating various areas of the brain responsible for these actions