Client's Name
First Name
Last Name
Question 1
A) I like to do and learn things one step at a time
B) I like to do and learn many things at the same time
Question 2
A) I tend to focus on details
B) I tend to focus on the bigger picture
Question 3
A) I don't always get the joke or think something is as funny as others
B) I always get the joke, even before others
Question 4
A) I don't like change
B) I need to change things often
Question 5
A) I like routines
B) I rarely do anything the same way twice
Question 6
A) I have very good handwriting
B) I have poor handwriting
Question 7
A) I like when things are clearly spelled out and precise
B) I like to think in generalities
Question 8
A) I tend to take things literally
B) I am good at reading between the lines
Question 9
A)I will read a contract or instructions over and over to make sure I don't miss anything
B) I don't like reading contracts or instructions
Question 10
A) I believe or have been told I have a high IQ
B) I believe or have been told I have an average IQ
Question 11
A) I did better on the maths portion of my tests
B) I did better on the verbal portion of my tests
Question 12
A) I like school and am good at academics
B) I didn't like school and it affected my marks
Question 13
A) I am good at learning by rote memorisation and repetition
B) I learn best by just doing something
Question 14
A) I would prefer to work with computers
B) I would prefer to work with people
Question 15
A) I am not good at new ideas
B) I am very good at coming up with new ideas
Question 16
A) I am not good at creative problem solving
B) I am very good at problem solving especially when it takes a creative solution
Question 17
A) I was better at algebra than geometry at school
B) I was better at geometry than algebra at school
Question 18
A) It is easy for me to visualise things
B) It is hard for me to visualise things
Question 19
A) I cannot rotate objects in my mind easily
B) I can rotate objects in my mind easily
Question 20
A) I have difficulty making friends
B) I make friends easily
Question 21
A) I do not get along with the opposite sex well
B) I get along very well with the opposite sex
Question 22
A) I am not an emotional person and never show emotions
B) I am an emotional person and show emotions easily
Question 23
A) I prefer individual sports
B) I prefer team sports
Question 24
A) I can never tell what someone is thinking
B) I can always know what someone is thinking
Question 25
A) I like to read
B) I don't read a lot
Question 26
A) I am very good at spelling and grammar
B) I am not good at spelling and grammar
Question 27
A) I like to read technical and nonfiction books
B) I like to read novels and stories
Question 28
A) If I don't understand a word I will stop to look it up more often than not
B) If I don't understand a word I generally just move on and figure it out later
Question 29
A) I have always been able to do calculations easily in my head
B) I don't do calculations in my head well; I need to write it down
Question 30
A) I like numbers; I am good with numbers
B) I don't like numbers
Question 31
A) I am more book smart than street smart
B) I am more street smart than book smart
Question 32
A) I like planning ahead
B) I hate to plan; I just want to figure it out as I go
Question 33
A) I am not good with metaphors; I like facts
B) I like metaphors and hypothetical examples
Question 34
A) I will read the instructions closely before I try something
B) I never read the instructions; I prefer to jump in feet first
Question 35
A) I sometimes struggle with the main idea of a story
B) I always get the main idea of a story
Question 36
A) I am better at understanding than doing
B) I am better at doing than understanding
Question 37
A) I am logical; I tend to think things through very carefully before doing
B) I am intuitive; I like to act by "gut instinct"
Question 38
A) I have a great memory for facts and details
B) I don't have a great memory for facts and details
Question 39
A) I remember names not faces
B) I remember faces but forget names
Question 40
A) I have a terrible sense of direction
B) I have a very good sense of direction
Question 41
A) I have an explosive anger if I am pushed
B) It takes a lot to get me angry; things don't tend to bother me
Question 42
A) I like to work by myself
B) I like to work together as a team
Question 43
A) When someone says they have good news and bad news; I like to hear the bad news first
B) When someone says they have good news and bad news; I like to hear the good news first
Question 44
A) I am good at saving money
B) I am not good at saving money
Question 45
A) I like to hold onto things; it takes a lot for me to throw something out
B) I like to get rid of things and replace them with new things
Question 46
A) I like realistic art
B) I like abstract art
Question 47
A) I don't really focus on how I look
B) I am very aware of how I look
Question 48
A) I don't notice what others think of me
B) I notice and care a lot about what others think of me
Question 49
A) I don't know or follow fashion trends
B) I love wearing the latest styles
Question 50
A) I prefer to wear classic clothes that I have worn for years and are comfortable
B) I prefer to wear newer trendier styles even if they are uncomfortable
Question 51
A) Some people would consider me a geek
B) No one would ever consider me a geek
Question 52
A) I generally obey laws and follow the rules
B) I generally don't follow rules; most rules don't make sense
Question 53
A) I work better with positive reinforcement; I work to achieve a goal
B) I work better with negative reinforcement; I focus on avoiding the failure
Question 54
A) I am very neat and organised
B) I would be considered messy and disorganised
Question 55
A) I like to be alone
B) I like being around others
Question 56
A) I never remember the words to a song; I like the music more
B) I like the words to a song and remember them almost instantly
Question 57
A) I prefer yellow and orange (warm colors)
B) I prefer purple, blue or green (cool colors)
Question 58
A) I like things that are manmade and mechanical
B) I like things that are natural
Question 59
A) I am a perfectionist
B) I don't care if things are not perfect
Question 60
A) I would never write or show someone something that I have written before checking for grammatical or spelling errors
B) I am more interested in the overall content of something I write rather than details like spelling or grammar
Question 61
A) I am not good at creative writing
B) I like to write my own stories
Question 62
A) I like to listen to classical music
B) I like popular music (rock or country)
Question 63
A) I am very good at learning languages
B) I am terrible at languages
Question 64
A) I am better at reading books than people
B) I am better at reading people than books
Question 65
A) I mentally comprehend suffering, but I don't really feel it
B) I feel very bad or sad for others who are suffering
Question 66
A) I rarely get depressed
B) I get depressed easily
Question 67
A) I generally don't like to be touched, especially by someone I don't know
B) I need human contact and I like to be touched and to touch others
Question 68
A) I am somewhat uncoordinated, not very athletic
B) I am generally very coordinated and athletic
Question 69
A) I'd rather stay indoors
B) I'd rather be outdoors
Question 70
A) I like to vacation at the same places over and over
B) I like to vacation in new places
Question 71
A) I don't like parties and social gatherings in general
B) I love parties and social gatherings
Question 72
A) I am a realist
B) I am a dreamer
Question 73
A) Function is much more important than style and design
B) Design is at least as important as function
Question 74
A) I prefer math, research or science
B) I prefer philosophy and mythology
Question 75
A) I would prefer to communicate through text or email
B) I would prefer to communicate on the phone or in person
Question 76
A) I am not a people person
B) I am definitely a people person
Question 77
A) I prefer to be organised and plan things
B) I prefer to be spontaneous and not worry about the details
Question 78
A) I think it is important to improve on things that exist and make them better
B) I think it is not important to develop new things and new ideas
Question 79
A) I think reason is more important than feelings
B) I think feelings are more important than reason
Question 80
A) When learning a new chapter in a textbook; I think it is best to outline the chapter
B) When learning a new chapter in a textbook; I think it is best to summarise the chapter
Question 81
A) I am better at crossword puzzles
B) I am better at jigsaw puzzles
Question 82
A) In a theatre production, I would rather be the director
B) In a theatre production, I would rather be the lead actor
Question 83
A) If learning a new piece of equipment; I carefully read the instruction manual before beginning
B) If learning a new piece of equipment; I jump in and wing it (I use the instruction manual as a last resort)
Question 84
A) What is being said (words) is more important than how it is being said (Tone, tempo, volume, emotion)
B) How something is being said (tone, tempo, volume) is more important than what the person is saying
Question 85
A) I do not use hand gestures when I speak
B) I use many gestures and hand movements when I speak
Question 86
A) If I were hanging a picture on a wall, I would carefully measure to make sure it is centered and straight
B) If I were hanging a picture on a wall, I would put it where it looks right and move it if necessary
Question 87
A) At work; I concentrate on one task at a time until it is complete
B) At work; I usually juggle several things at once
Question 88
A) I like to plan my future steps
B) I enjoy dreaming about the future
Question 89
A) I like to take ideas apart and look at them separately
B) I like to put ideas together
Question 90
A) I like to learn about things we are sure of
B) I like to learn about hidden possibilities
Question 91
A) I think it is more exciting to improve something
B) I think it is more exciting to invent something
Question 92
A) I am strong in recalling verbal materials (names, dates)
B) I am strong in recalling spatial material (directions, locations)
Question 93
A) I prefer total quiet when reading or studying
B) I prefer to have music on while reading or studying
Question 94
A) I think in words
B) I think in pictures
Question 95
A) As a kid, the worst thing would be to fail a test
B) As a kid, the worst thing would be to be embarrassed in class
Question 96
A) I learn best from teachers who explain with words
B) I learn best from teachers who explain with pictures, movement and actions
Question 97
A) I like to express feelings and ideas in plain language
B) I like to express feelings and ideas in poetry, song, dance and art
Question 98
A) I would rather not guess or play hunches
B) I like to play hunches and guess
Question 99
A) I am very direct and straightforward with people
B) I try not to hurt someone's feelings, so I am not as direct with people
Question 100
A) I think the best trait is to be reserved and modest
B) I think the best trait is to be outgoing and interesting