Client's Name
First Name
Last Name
Motor Characteristics of Right Brain Delay
You have poor coordination. You are clumsy with odd posture and gait
You have difficulty coordinating both sides of your body, such as in running, walking or swimming
You have poor muscle tone. Your muscles are flabby or floppy instead of taut
You are very flexible, or even double jointed
You have and may have recently acquired facial tics or make repetitive and involuntary vocal sounds, such as clearing the throat
You have repetitive motor mannerisms, such as twisting or playing with your hair or pulling on your sleeves
You have a tendency to walk on your toes
You do not have good balance or notice it has recently gotten worse
You have chronic tendonitis, patella tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or have/had trouble with your rotator cuff or tennis elbow on the right side of your body
You get a tremor or eye twitch on the right side of your body
You cannot cross your eyes
You have poor depth perception. e.g. You have trouble judging distances or driving
Right Brain Motor Tally *
Motor Characteristics of Left Brain Delay *
You have difficulty performing fine motor skills such as buttoning a shirt and doing small detail work with hands
You have poor handwriting or handwriting that is hard to read
Have difficulty planning a sequence of coordinated movements, such as dance steps or certain sports activities
You have a twitch in your right eye but not your left
You frequently have problems with writer's cramp
You stumble over words in your speech when you are tired
You are not musically inclined e.g. you have found it difficult to play a musical instrument
You have chronic tendonitis, patella tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome or have/had rotator cuff problems or tennis elbow on the left side of your body
You get tremors on the right side of your body
You find it difficult to imitate an action without actually doing it e.g. you can't mimic how to strike a match without using a pack of matches
You're ambidextrous. You don't really favour your right or left hand
Left Brain Motor Tally
Sensory Characteristics of a Right Brain Delay *
Poor Spatial orientation - bumps into things often
You are hypersensitive to sound e.g. you hate loud noises, such as fireworks and are especially bothered by high pitched sounds, such as children screaming or scratching a chalkboard
You generally feel disconnected from your body
You compulsively touch things e.g. you'll touch fabric when passing through an aisle in a store even though you are not interested in buying, or you rub your hands over furniture for no particular reason when you are in someone else's home
You don't like the feel of clothing on your arms or legs e.g. you will wear shorts or will pull off clothes at every chance you get
You don't like being touched or when people get in your personal space
You have a poor sense of smell e.g. don't particularly notice when there is a wood fire burning, popcorn popping or biscuits being baked in the oven
You have an inability to recognise or differentiate between sounds or musical notes. You may have been told that you have a "tin ear" or you sing off key
You have experienced hearing voices when no one is there or hear a ringing in your right ear
You smell unusual scents others don't smell or when none exists
You get a metallic or unpleasant taste in your mouth for no discernible reason e.g. like when you take medications
You are obsessed with religion or understanding the meaning of life, beyond what many would consider normal. You are always quoting scripture in almost every conversation or facebook post.
You have unexplained lapses in time, you don't lose consciousness, but you can't remember certain periods of time
Your right eye is chronically irritated or red
Hearing in your left ear is more difficult that in your right
You seem to lose your perception of time, or you always had a poor sense of timing e.g. you over/under estimate how much time something will take
Right Brain Sensory Tally *
Sensory Characteristics of a Left Brain delay *
You have to think twice when distinguishing Left from Right
You or others feel you do not hear well, even though hearing tests have come out normal
You easily get motion sickness
You are very sensitive to movement e.g. you can't ride in a car and read at the same time
The smallest things can make you nauseated e.g. the sight of blood or certain unpleasant smells
You feel you don't hear as well with your right ear as you do with your left
Your left eye is chronically irritated, dry or red
Left Brain Sensory Tally *
Emotional Characteristics of a Right Brain Delay *
You are or appear to others to be overly happy and affectionate e.g. you love to hug and kiss others, such as your kids, friends and pets
Your behaviour could be described as manic, you can burst into tears or laughter almost spontaneously
You have sudden outbursts of anger and fear
You occasionally experience panic and/or anxiety attacks
You sometimes have dark/ violent thoughts
You hold on to past "hurts", you just can't let go
Your face normally lacks expression and you don't exhibit much body language when interacting with others
You're too uptight, you can't seem to loosen up
You are not very empathetic or do not appear to be to others
You don't show emotion in situations the same as others do
You like taking risks and are known as a risk taker
Normally, you speak in a monotone and have no expression in your voice
You don't like being in social situations. Others would call you anti-social
You don't generally ever feel "afraid" or seem to experience fear
Right Brain Emotional Tally *
Emotional Characteristics of a Left Brain delay *
You get frightened very easily
You frequently and easily get depressed or feel down in the dumps
You worry a lot and are considered a worry wart by those who know you best
You have had or think you have had post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
You have a lot of fears and phobias
You frequently get moody and irritable
You contemplate suicide
You lack motivation
You don't get pleasure out of life, food or anything in particular
Others would say it is hard to make you happy
You get insulted easily
You frequently feel overwhelmed by the tasks at hand and what's going on in the world around you
You can feel another's pain and despair more than the average person
You're typically pessimistic, others would call you extremely negative
You are excessively cautious and don't take risks
You're uncomforatble in social situations. You want to be sociable but you are not always sure how to act
Your feelings are hurt easily and it can make you cry at the drop of a hat
You sometimes have feelings of hopelessness, or feel "What's the point?"
You are very sensitive to what others think about you
You are overly self cautious, others might call you paranoid
You often think that others are making fun of your behind your back
You have bad memories that you just can't let go, especially emotional hurt or humiliation
Left Brain Emotional Tally *
Behavioural Characteristics of a Right Brain delay *
You have a hard time following the rules of good communication, you say inappropriate things, talk at the wrong time, and you are not particularly expressive when talking
You have, or others tell you, that you have a hard time staying focused on the task at hand or paying attention to what is being said or done around you for more than a few minutes
You sometimes think you have or others accuse you of having adult ADHD, or you have been diagnosed with it
You obsess over practically everything. You often think or others have told you that you act like you have obsessive-compulsive disorder or you have been diagnosed with it
You have manic-depressive highs and lows to the degree that you or others feel you might have bipolar disorder or you have been diagnosed with the disorder
You frequently have feelings of deja vu, you feel like you have been somewhere or experienced an event before
You often miss the point of a story
You get stuck in set behaviour and can't let it go, e.g. you can't transition easily to a a new thought, action or idea
You never feel a sense of guilt or remorse
You lack social tact and feel socially isolated
You manage your time poorly, you are always late for appointments and meetings
You are a neat freak and can't stand when something is out of order
You can't sit still, you are impulsive, compulsive and hyperactive
You have a hard time getting to sleep because your mind is always racing
You hate throwing things out and may even be accused of being a hoarder
You're generally uncooperative
You have extreme eating habits, possibly to the point of an eating disorder, especially bulimia
You often appear to others as bored, aloof and abrupt
You are considered strange by others or you were considered strange as a kid
You don't have a lot of friends, new friends you make seem to drift away
You don't particularly enjoy the company of others
You act silly or giddy at inappropriate times in the presence of others
You talk incessantly and are known to others as "a talker"
You tend to ask or have been told that you ask repetitive questions and talk in circles, but never really get to the point
You could care less about social trends and fashion
You've been wearing the same hair style for years
You have been described as a control freak
Right Brain Behavioural Tally *
Behavioural Characteristics of Left Brain Delay *
You tend to be oblivious to rules and regulations e.g. you seem to "attract" parking and speeding tickets
You have a tendency to exaggerate or lie
You can feel terrible shame or crippling guilt even when you have not done anything terribly wrong
You frequently have a feeling of foreboding or sick feeling in the stomach for no discernible reason
You tend to procrastinate
You are very shy, especially around strangers
You have a tendency to stutter or stammer
You have poor self esteem, you feel like a loser and you feel others think of you that way
You have, or others say you have an inferiority complex. You don't feel you're as smart as others
You hate busywork, such as doing paperwork or paying the bills
You are not good at following routines and establishing habits
You get perplexed, frustrated or annoyed when you have to follow multiple step directions
You tend to jump to conclusions or have been told you jump to conclusions too quickly
You make mistakes because you don't read or follow directions
You are extremely messy
You follow fads and trends and are beholden to the latest fashions
You were bored in school or hated school work
You just hate being alone
You are a daydreamer and are constantly drifting off in thought
You have a hard time doing just one thing at a time
You constantly stop one activity or thought and start before anything is finished
You have an addictive personality have been addicted to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, sex etc
Left Brain Behavioural Tally *
Cognitive Characteristics of a Right Brain Delay *
You have difficulty recalling the date, time or place of important events in your life e.g. you don't just forget birthdays and anniversaries, you sometimes have to pause to remember your age or day and year you were married
You have trouble staying on topic during a conversation or at a meeting
You have trouble repeating a story as told or explaining directions
You have a tendency to fly off the handle to common annoyances e.g. an overflowing sink or an overheated engine
You have difficulty interpreting abstract language e.g. you may not get a joke or understand a metaphor
You cannot mentally rotate objects in space e.g you have a hard time imagining how furniture would look in a different position in the room
You can't seem to recognise faces of people you know who you haven't seen in years
You do not remember much or almost anything about your childhood
You have a poor sense of direction
You have difficulty using and understanding innuendo and connotation e.g. you can't take a hint
You don't "get it" when someone uses irony and sarcasm
You don't get the moral in a story or the point that the author is trying to make
You get so stuck in details that you have difficulty making decisions
You have a hard time making decisions because you tend to overanalyse everything
You have an obsessive interest in unusual topics such as trains, rocks, stamps, comic books and the like
You are frequently growing increasingly impatient
You speak aloud what's on your mind
You get very close to people when speaking to them, others would call you a space invader
You are extremely direct to the point of being considered rudeYou have difficulty recalling the date, time or place of important events in your life e.g. you don't just forget birthdays and anniversaries, you sometimes have to pause to remember your age or day and year you were married
You have trouble staying on topic during a conversation or at a meeting
You have trouble repeating a story as told or explaining directions
You have a tendency to fly off the handle to common annoyances e.g. an overflowing sink or an overheated engine
You have difficulty interpreting abstract language e.g. you may not get a joke or understand a metaphor
You cannot mentally rotate objects in space e.g you have a hard time imagining how furniture would look in a different position in the room
You can't seem to recognise faces of people you know who you haven't seen in years
You do not remember much or almost anything about your childhood
You have a poor sense of direction
You have difficulty using and understanding innuendo and connotation e.g. you can't take a hint
You don't "get it" when someone uses irony and sarcasm
You don't get the moral in a story or the point that the author is trying to make
You get so stuck in details that you have difficulty making decisions
You have a hard time making decisions because you tend to overanalyse everything
You have an obsessive interest in unusual topics such as trains, rocks, stamps, comic books and the like
You are frequently growing increasingly impatient
You speak aloud what's on your mind
You get very close to people when speaking to them, others would call you a space invader
You are extremely direct to the point of being considered rude
Right Brain Cognitive Tally *
Cognitive Characteristics of a Left Brain Delay *
You have a problem remembering details such as street names or important dates
Colors look dull to you lately
You have trouble remembering names and phone numbers
You cannot learn by reading
You have difficulty executing a plan, such as following a recipe or building a model
You have poor analytical skills e.g. you can't think logically in a stressful situation or analyse your odds of winning or losing in a game
You have no sense of time, you are always late
You have trouble prioritising e.g. you have difficulty knowing what to do first or what is most important
It is unlikely you would take the time to read the instruction manual before trying something new
You have the tendency to miss small words when reading or omit them when you write
You have difficulty learning new material and your reading is too slow and laborious
Names and words get caught on the tip of your tongue
You need to hear or see concepts many times in order to learn them
You believe you were or are dyslexic
You took special education classes in primary school or high school
You say you are poor at maths
You are a bad speller
You are not particularly good at gramatically correct writing
You studied a foreign language but can't recall or can barely recall it
You have difficulty or can't describe the nature of your relationships in emotional terms, such as what your relationship was with your mother when you were growing up
You can't remember details of your childhood such as the address you lived, your phone numbers or your teachers names
Left Brain Cognitive Tally *
Immune Characteristics of Right Brain Delay *
You tend to have an over active immune response - allergies
You have a sensitivity to a food substance, such as casein or gluten
You have or have had an autoimmune disorder such as asthma, eczema, lupus, psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis
You have more than one autoimmune disorder
You have little white bumps on your skin, especially the back of your arms
You crave certain foods, especially dairy and wheat products
You have been diagnosed with low thyroid function
You feel like you're a little drunk or feel off balance after eating certain foods
Right Brain Immune Tally *
Immune Characteristics of Left Brain Delay *
You have a problem with chronic ear, throat or respiratory infections
You are prone to benign tumours and/or cysts or you have had a cancerous tumour
You've taken or frequently take a lot of antibiotics or anti viral medications
You catch a lot of colds, more than 2/year
It takes you a long time to feel 100% after an illness
You feel you have to get a flu shot every year or you will get the flu, You sometimes get it even with a flu shot
You have a problem with chronic yeast or fungal infections and/or have been diagnosed with candidiasis or thrush
You have or have had stomach ulcers
You've had pneumonia within the past 7 years
You have recurrent viral outbreaks, such as herpes or shingles
You have had or still have Lyme disease
You've had your tonsils and adenoids removed because of chronic infections
Left Brain Immune Tally *
Metabolic Characteristics of a Right Brain Delay *
You have frequent bowel troubles with constipation and/or diarrhoea
You have a rapid heart rate or a sudden increase in heart rate (Tachycardia, above 90 bpm)
Your blood pressure is 10 points or more higher when taken on your right arm than your left
You perspire more on the right side of your body than your left
Right Brain Metabolic Tally *
Metabolic Characteristics of Left Brain Delay *
Your blood pressure is 10 points or more higher when taken on your left arm than on your right arm
You sweat more on the left side of your body
You have or have had irregular heartbeat, such as arrhythmia or a heart murmur
Your left hand loses circulation and takes longer to warm up when exposed to the cold
Left Brain Metabolic Tally *